Comparison of Quantum Mechanics Texts      

Text: Quantum Theory in the Computer Age Detailed Text Listing
Unit 11. Polyatomic Molecules (In preparation)
Unit 12. Relativistic Spin and Symmetry (Proposed)
Unit 13. Relativistic Quantum Field Theory (Proposed)

Text: Principles of Symmetry, Dynamics, and Spectroscopy
Appendix G. Schur's Lemma and Irreducible Representations and Orthogonality

2018 Lecture Topics 2018 Detailed Lecture Listing     2014 Info Page
Lecture 1.  Spectral hierarchy of Born-Openheimer approximations to AMOP
(1.16.18) , , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 2.  Symmetry group representations and AMOP Hamiltonian matrices
(1.19.18) , , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 3.  Symmetry group 𝒢 representations and AMOP Hamiltonian H (or K) matrices,
𝒟(α) irreps, Ψ(α) wave functions, and eigensolution projectors P(α) I.
𝒢 = C2, C3, C6 = Cyclic groups of order 2, 3, 6
(1.22.18) , , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 4.  Symmetry group 𝒢 representations and AMOP Hamiltonian H (or K) matrices,
𝒟(α) irreps, Ψ(α) wave functions, and eigensolution projectors P(α) II.
𝒢 = U(2) = Unitary group of dimension 2
(1.24.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 5.  Symmetry group 𝒢 representations and AMOP Hamiltonian H (or K) matrices,
𝒟(α) irreps, Ψ(α) wave functions, eigensolutions I.
𝒢 = U(2), spin-½ irreps: Euler R(αβγ) vs Darboux R[ϕϑΘ] rotations and applications
(1.29.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 6.  Symmetry group 𝒢 representations and AMOP Hamiltonian H (or K) matrices,
𝒟(α) irreps, Ψ(α) wave functions, eigensolutions II. 
(1.31.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 7.  Symmetry group 𝒢 = U(1) representations and 1D HO Hamiltonian H = ħωaa operators,
1D HO wave eigenfunctions Ψn, and coherent α-states  
(2.5.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 8.  Symmetry group 𝒢 = U(2) representations and 2D HO Hamiltonian H = ħωabaaab operators,
2D HO wave eigenfunctions Ψn,m, and coherent [α]-states  
(2.7.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 9.  Wigner DJmn irreps of U(2)~R(3) give atomic and molecular eigenfunctions Ψm,n of
3D rotor Hamiltonian H = AJx2+BJy2+CJz2 and angular momentum uncertainty effects.
(2.12.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 10.  Rotational Energy Surfaces (RES) and Lab vs Body molecular rotor states, levels, and spectra - I.:
Body symmetry R(2) of prolate & oblate rotors vs. D2 of asymmetric rotor H = AJx2+BJy2+CJz2 
(2.14.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 11.  Rotational Energy Surfaces (RES) and Lab vs Body molecular rotor states, levels, and spectra I:
Body symmetry O of octahedral rotors H=BJ2+ΣtkqTqk 
(2.21.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 12.  Discrete symmetry subgroups of O(3) and application to tunneling and vibrational dynamics:
D3 and C3v group products, classes, and irrep projection operators 
(2.21.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 13.  Discrete symmetry subgroups of O(3) using Mock-Mach principle:
D3 and C3v Lab vs. Body group and projection operator formulation of ortho-complete eigensolutions 
(2.26.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 14.  Discrete symmetry subgroups of O(3) using Mock-Mach principle:D3 ~ C3v LAB vs. BOD
Vibrational eigensolutions, D6~C6v bands, subgroup correlation, and Frobenius reciprocity 
(3.2.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 15.  Discrete symmetry subgroups of O(3)⊃(Octahedral Oh⊃O~Td, Cubic-Tetrahedral Th⊃T):
Characters and subgroup-chain defined ireps, and applications to SF6 and CF4 spectra 
(3.5.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 16.  Discrete symmetry subgroups of O(3)⊃(Octahedral OhO): Deriving D(α)-matrices defined by
subgroup-chains OD4C4, OD4D2, and O⊃D3C3 applications to IR spectra of SF6 
(3.7.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 17.  Discrete symmetry subgroups of O(3)⊃(Octahedral OhO): Part II Full D(α)-matrices defined
by subgroup-chains O⊃D4⊃C4, D2, or C3 applied to eigensolutions of Oh-tensors >T[4]+T[6] 
(3.12.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 18.  U(2)~O(3)⊃Oh Clebsch-Gordan irep product analysis, spin-orbit multiplets, and Wigner tensor
matrices giving exact orbital splitting for O(3)⊃Oh symmetry breaking
 (3.26.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 19.  S1⊂S2⊂S3⊂S4⊂S5 ... permutation symmetry algebra and spinor-rotor correlations (3.28.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 20.  Interwining (S1⊂S2⊂S3⊂S4⊂S5 ...)*(U(1)⊂U(2)⊂U(3)⊂U(4)⊂U(5) ...) algebras
and tensor operator applications to spinor-rotor or orbital correlations
 (4.2.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 21.  Characters of intertwining (Sn)*(U(m)) algebras and quantum applications (4.4.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 22.  Atomic shell models using intertwining (Sn)*(U(m)) matrix operators (4.9.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 23.  (Sn)*(U(m)) shell model of electrostatic quadrupole-quadrupole-e interactions (4.16.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 24.  (Sn)*(U(m)) shell model of electronic spin-orbit states and interactions (4.18.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 25.  (S3)*(U(3)) ⊂ U(6) models of p3 electronic spin-orbit states and couplings I. (4.23.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 26.  (S3)*(U(3)) ⊂ U(6) models of p3 electronic spin-orbit states and couplings II. (4.25.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 27.  Molecular rovibrational spectra : Oh symmetry, SF6 and. UF6 examples (4.30.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 28.  Symmetry spin species for C2, CH4, SF6, and molecular energy surfaces:
Born-Oppenheimer-Adiabadicity: How BOA works until it doesn’t
 (5.2.18), , Video  View on YouTube
Lecture 29.  From CH4 to SF6 to C60 : a study in spectacular spectral contrasts (5.8.18), , Video  View on YouTube

Listing of Other Classes
2012 PHYS 3614 Modern Physics
2013 PHYS 5093 Group Theory in Quantum Mechanics
2013 PHYS 5103 Advanced Mechanics
2014 PHYS 5513 Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
2014 PHYS 5103 Advanced Mechanics
2015 PHYS 5093 Group Theory in Quantum Mechanics
2016 PHYS 3922H Honors Colloquium
2016 PHYS 5103 Advanced Mechanics
2017 PHYS 5093 Group Theory in Quantum Mechanics
2017 PHYS 5103 Advanced Mechanics

Related Papers & Talks
Frame transformation relations and multipole transitions in symmetric polyatomic molecules - RMP 1978
Rovibrational Spectral Fine Structure of Icosahedral Molecules - CPL 1986
Relativity Lecture (Unit_2) - Harvard 2010
Symmetry Eigensolutions on the Cheap - OAI 2010
Weapons of Math Instruction - INBRE Workshop 2012
➪ Molecular Eigensolution Symmetry Analysis and Fine Structure - IJMS 1/4/2013
Molecules and Molecular Spectroscopy - UA ModPhys 3/25/2013
Quantum Revivals of Morse Oscillators and Farey-Ford Geometry - 2013
Special Relativity and Quantum Theory by Ruler and Compass - AJP 2014 (Pre-Print)
ResearchGate Contibutions Page - W.G. Harter
Presentation on: Molecules and Molecular Spectroscopy - UAF 12/17/2017
          "Learning about molecules from Quantum theory and Learning about Quantum theory from molecules"
International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy - Columbus 2012

RelaWavity Drafts
Relawavity: A simple way to introduce relativity and quantum theory using ruler & compass geometry Draft UAF 2017
      Current draft via Apple Pages
      Current draft via TeX with reference linking
What Einstein left out: Gaining clarity in modern physics curricula, Draft UAF 2017
      Prototype draft via Apple Pages
      Latest draft via TeX with reference linking