MODERN PHYSICS and its Classical Foundations

Unit 1 - Review of Velocity, Momentum, Energy, and Fields



W. G. Harter


Basic ideas of classical velocity, momentum, and kinetic energy (KE) are reviewed using geometry and super-ball collision experiments involving two different masses. The idea of potential energy (PE) and force is introduced by defining PE as the KE of ÒidlerÓ balls that provide force fields for others. The two most famous PE functions, those of Coulomb and of a harmonic oscillator or linear (Hooke-Law) force are introduced. Elliptic orbit geometry in the latter serves to introduce quadratic forms. This helps derive more advanced ideas of Lagrange, Hamilton, and Poincare and clarifies basic axioms of classical mechanics. A review of complex analysis of functions and fields sets the stage for use in later Units. 



Unit 1 - Table of Contents
  Page in Textbook
Chapter 1. Collision velocity change and slope geometry21
     Idealization and model building21
     Review of slope geometry, sin, sec, tan and complimentary trig functions23
     Slope angles, ratios, and areas23
     Right-handed Cartesian coordinates25
     Change and delta variables26
     Slope and delta ratios26
     Exercises for study of slope and trigonometry27
     Arc functions29
     Know your calculator and ATAN, too! (atan2(y,x))31
Chapter 2. Velocity and momentum33
     Momentum exchange: a zero-sum game33
     Deducing (perfect?) conservation from (ideal?) symmetry35
     Galilean time-reversal symmetry35
     Galilean relativity and spacetime symmetry37
     Geometry of Balance: Center of Momentum (COM) and Center of Gravity (COG)38
Chapter 3. Velocity and energy41
     Time symmetry and energy conservation41
     Time symmetry41
     Kinetic Energy conservation41
     Geometry of kinetic energy ellipse and momentum line42
     Introducing vector and tensor geometry of momentum-energy conservation44
     Momentum vs. energy (Bang! for the $buck$!): Standard (mks) units45
     Quick review of kinetic relations and formulas46
     Relations of energy W and space x46
     Relations of momentum P and time t46
     Exercise 1.3.3. Quick construction of Energy ellipses50
Chapter 4. Dynamics and geometry of successive collisions51
     Independent collision models (ICM)53
     Extreme and optimal cases54
     Integrating velocity plots to find position55
     Help! IÕm trapped in a triangle61
     Two balls in 1D vs. one ball in 2D61
     Angle of incidence=Angle of reflection (or NOT)61
     Bang force61
     Kinematics versus Dynamics62
     Dynos and Kinos: Classical vs. quantum theory62
Chapter 5 Multiple collisions and operator analysis65
     Doing collisions with matrix products65
     Rotating in velocity space: Ticking around the clock67
     Statistical mechanics: Average energy68
     Bonus: Rational right triangles69
     Reflections about rotations: ItÕs all done with mirrors69
     Through the clothing store looking glass70
Chapter 6 Introducing Force, Potential Energy, and Action75
     MBM force fields and potentials75
     Isothermal model force laws76
     Adiabatic model force laws77
     Conservative forces and potential energy functions77
     Is it +or-? Physicist vs. mathematician and the 3rd law77
     Isothermal ÒRobin HoodÓand ÒFed rulesÓ78
     Oscillator force field and potential79
     The simplest force field F=const.81
     Introducing Action. ItÕs conserved (sort of)81
     Monster mass M1 and Galilean symmetry (ItÕs deja vu all over, again.)82
Chapter 7 Interaction Forces and Potentials in Collisions87
     Geometry of superball force law87
     Dynamics of superball force: The Project-Ball story88
     The trip to Whammo88
     Eureka! Polka-dots save Project Ball88
     The Òpolka-dotÓ potential89
     Force geometry: Work and impulse vs. energy and momentum91
     Kiddy-pool versus trampoline91
     Linear force law, again (But, with constant gravity, too)93
     Why super-elastic bounce?95
     RumpCo versus Crap Corp95
     Seatbelts and buckboards97
     Friction and all that ÒdirtyÓ stuff98
Chapter 8 N-Body Collisions: TwoÕs company but threeÕs a crowd101
     The X3: Three-ball towers101
     Geometric properties of N-stage collisions103
     Supernovae super-duper-elastic bounce (SSDEB)103
     NewtonÕs balls103
     Friction, again: Inelastic energy-momentum quadratic equations105
     Geometric derivation of elastic and inelastic energy ellipses107
     Ka-Runch-Ka-Runch-Ka-Runch-Ka-Runch-...:Inelastic pile-ups109
     Ka-pow-Ka-pow-Ka-pow-Ka-pow-...:Rocket science111
Chapter 9 Geometry and physics of common potential fields115
     Geometric multiplication and power sequences115
     Parabolic geometry117
     Coulomb and oscillator force fields119
     Tunneling to Australia: Earth gravity inside and out121
     To catch a falling neutron starlet123
     Starlet escapes! (In 3 equal steps)125
     No escape: A black-hole Earth!125
     Oscillator phasor plots and elliptic orbits126
Chapter 10 Calculus of exponentials, logarithms, and complex fields131
     The story of e : A tale of great interest132
     Derivatives, rates, and rate equations134
     The binomial expansion135
     General power series approximations137
     Sine-wave power series139
     EulerÕs theorem and relations141
     Wages of imaginary interest: Phasor oscillation dynamics142
     What Good Are Complex Exponentials?143
     Complex numbers provide "automatic trigonometry"143
     Complex exponentials Ae-i_t tracks position and velocity using Phasor Clock143
     Complex numbers add like vectors143
     Complex products provide 2D rotation operations144
     Complex products set initial values144
     Complex products provide 2D ÒdotÓ(¥) and ÒcrossÓ(x) products144
     Complex deriviative contains ÒdivergenceÓ(_¥F) and ÒcurlÓ( _xF) of 2D vector field145
     Complex potential _ contains ÒscalarÓ( F= __) and ÒvectorÓ( F=_xA) potentials145
     Complex integrals º f(z)dz count ÒfluxÓ( ºFxdr) and ÒvorticityÓ( ºF¥dr)146
     Complex derivatives give 2D multipole fields151
     Complex power series are 2D multipole expansions152
     Complex 1/z gives stereographic projection154
     Cauchy integrals156
Chapter 11 Oscillation, Rotation, and Angular Momentum159
     Keplerian construction of elliptic oscillator orbits159
     Elementary ellipse construction159
     Orbiting versus rotating: Centripetal versus centrifugal161
     Circular curvature162
     More inertial forces: Coriolis and tidal forces163
     Vector analysis and geometry of elliptic oscillator orbit165
     Matrix operations and dual quadratic forms166
     Slope multiplication and eigenvectors167
     Geometric slope series168
     Angular momentum and KeplerÕs law170
     Flight of a stick: Introducing geometry of cycloids170
     Center of percussion, radius of gyration, and Òsweet-spotÓ171
Chapter 12 Velocity vs momentum functions: Lagrange vs Hamilton175
     Relating energy ellipses in velocity and momentum space175
     Lagrangian, Estrangian, and Hamiltonian functions175
     L, E, and H ellipse geometry176
     Legendre contact transformations178
     Extreme geometry of contact transformations179
     General contact transformation geometry180
     The Equations of the Classical Universe (Lagrange, Hamilton, and others) 183
     LagrangeÕs version of Newt-II (f=Ma)185
     HamiltonÕs version of Newt-II (f=Ma)188
     Variational calculus of Lagrangian mechanics189
     PoincareÕs invariant, quantum phase, and action190
     Huygen's principle: "Proof" of classical axioms and path integrals190
     Bohr quantization193
Appendix 1A Vector product geometry and Levi-Civita _ijk1
     Determinants and triple products2
     Operator products3
     Unit 1 References1

-Unit 1 - Review of Velocity, Momentum, Energy, and Fields

Perhaps the most common fundamental modern physics experiment is to collide particles against each other. ThatÕs all they do at LHC (Large Hadron Collider) where protons are rammed head-on at speeds above 0.999999c at several TeV (Trillion or Tera-electron Volts). Electron microscopes and laser spectral experiments are just particle crashes, too, involving molecules, atoms, electrons, and photons at intermediate energies ranging from keV (Thousand or kilo-eV) to about 1eV for one green light photon down to ultra-low energies measured in neV (Billionths or nano-eV) for collisions in BEC experiments. We begin studying momentum and energy by making classical analogies to common (I hope not for us!) freeway car crashes.


Chapter 1. Collision velocity change and slope geometry

Ka-runch! A 4-ton SUV going 60mph rear-ends a 1-ton VW going 10mph. See Fig. 1.1a. The SUV driver was busy texting a cell-phone and not watching the road. Both vehicles abruptly change speeds as seen in Fig. 1.1b-c. In order to calculate the speed changes we need to decide whether our collision is a Òka-runch!Ó where the cars get welded into a single mass as in the top right of Fig. 1.1(c) or a Òka-bong!Ó where they bounce off with no damage (very unlikely) as in center Fig. 1.1b or else quite likely intermediate Òka-whump!Ó collisions to be detailed later on. The technical term for ka-runch is a totally inelastic collision. WeÕll study it first followed by ka-bong, or technically a perfectly elastic collision, and finally the generic range of ka-whumps or inelastic collisions that lie between the first two ideals or extremes.

Fig. 1.1 Time vs. space graphs of (a) SUV (going 60mph) and VW (going10mph), (b) collision, and (c) possible outcomes of two extreme cases: the inelastic Òka-runch!Ó and perfectly elastic Òka-bong!Ó



This text uses of geometry to get quicker results and expose logic. First, letÕs review some conventions regarding slope on graphs. Our first graph (Fig. 1.1 or Fig. 1.2a below) is a time vs. distance plot and speed is slope-from-vertical as favored in relativity theory and by EinsteinÕs math teacher, Herman Minkowski. In contrast, Newtonian calculus favors distance vs. time plots like Fig. 1.2b and speed is slope-from-horizontal. Both our plots are scaled so a 1:1 ratio (45¡slope=1/1) represents 60 mph = 1 mile/min. in Fig. 1.2a or 1 min./mile in Fig. 1.2b. Plot (a) compliments (b). One becomes the other by doing a mirror-reflection across the 45¡ diagonal (1:1)-ÒSUV-lineÓ that is the same in (a) and (b). Plot (a) is best for car motion since cars go horizontally. For (b) one might ask, ÒDo cars climb walls?!Ó (See review of slope.)


Fig. 1.2 Complimentary plots  (a) Minkowski time vs. space plots vs. (b) NewtonÕs space vs. time plots.


            Before proceeding with car-crash analysis, it is required we give full disclosure of an important part of physics that concerns its idealization and model building.

Idealization and model building

Landscape 1.1 below applies explicitly to this Unit 1 but implicitly to this entire text and to all other physics texts. Scientific theory always requires an idealized model in which to develop its axioms and logic for its qualitative and quantitative thought (Gadaken) experiments. ItÕs an ancient tradition for physics.


Landscape 1.1 Idealized model for collision model and thought experiments


Here is where we play ÒLetÕs pretend.Ó We ignore most of the reality of the open road, most notably friction of the road surface-tire interface and air resistance. Also, we restrict the number of independent variables or dimensions. They are also called degrees of freedom. Here there is only one dimension for each car or two dimensions in all. It is as though we have re-framed the car crash as a perfect air-track with two bumper-cars floating on it. Models like this one are meant to be expanded. The next Landscape 1.2 begins this process by listing the most important classical degrees of freedoms for AMO physics.


Landscape 1.2 Some idealized classical model degrees of freedom


Models of molecules, atoms, and even nuclei begin with classical models having 3 translational, 3 rotational, and N vibrational degrees of freedom for every nucleon or nucleus and every electron in them.

Classical translation-rotation-vibration degrees of freedom may be expressed in coordinates that are more convenient than the Cartesian coordinates (CC). These are known as Generalized Curvilinear Coordinates (GCC) and are essential in general relativity theory. A simple example, polar coordinates, are used to introduce GCC in Chapter 12. Other examples of Orthogonal Curvilinear COordinates (OCC) are derived in Chapter 10 in connection with complex field coordinates.

In quantum mechanics, we find for each classical degree of freedom an infinite number (°) of degrees of freedom. In fact, itÕs two infinities (2°) for each since they are complex dimensions.

Now if you know everything about slope, you may proceed to Ch. 2 for more news on the car crash. But, there are some tricky and subtle things in this Review of slope... section that follows. These could bite you later! So it is definitely recommended reading. See if you can do exercises without peeking at answers.
Review of slope geometry, sin, sec, tan and complimentary trig functions

Slope is defined as the ratio y/x of vertical altitude y per horizontal base x. This equals velocity v=x/t for a horizontal time-t-axis and vertical space-x-axis like Fig. 1.2b. So horizontal x-axis and vertical time-t-axis of Fig. 1.2a has slope=t/x=1/v inverse to Fig. 1.2b slope. The lowest slope=1/10 in Fig. 1.2a belongs to jet velocity v=600mph that is the highest slope=10/1 in Fig. 1.2b, and a low VW velocity of v=10mph has a steep triangle of slope=6/1 in Fig. 1.2a but in Fig. 1.2b that VW line is a low slope=1/6.

Each unit graph square in Fig. 1.2a has a horizontal scale factor of sx=0.1mile(per square) and a vertical scale factor of sy=6sec.(per square) and vice versa for Fig. 1.2b. If you multiply scale sx by factor fx and sy by fy then each graph slope =(ny vert. squares)/(nx horiz. squares) changes to (fx/fy).

We do rescaling of dimensions to change units. For example, changing miles to feet in Fig. 1.2a uses factor fx =5,280 ft. per mile (or ) and changing minutes to seconds uses fy =60. The scale ratio (fx/fy) is 88, that is, 60mph equals 88 . SUV slope of 1 in Fig. 1.2b is 88 in a ft. vs. sec. plot. ThatÕs too high to plot 60mph accurately but a ft. vs. sec. or ft. vs. min. plot will be more appropriate for parking lot speeds.

Slope angles, ratios, and areas

            Most of us learn to measure slope by degrees(¡) of a slope angle . Greek ÒsÓ or sigma stands for sector slope. (We also use theta () or phi (š).) But, degrees are an arbitrary choice of 180¡ per (1/2)-turn or 360¡ per full turn. A better unit is 1 radian=180/¹~57.3¡. A =1radian-sector on unit circle (r=1) (Fig. 1.3a) has unit arc-length (l=ár=1) and unit sector area (A=ár2=1) based on ¹=3.14159É(pi), not an arbitrary number.


Fig. 1.3 (a) Definition of unit angle (=1) on unit circle (r =1) (b) A quarter turn sweeps half the area.


            The trick here is that the sector slope line sweeps out two pieces of the pie to make a whole pie or area pi=¹ if angle is ¹ or 180¡. The 1/4-circle angle —=ð/2 in Fig. 1.3b sweeps area ¹r2/2=¹/2 of half a pie. It may not be how you serve pie, but itÕs how mathematicians serve ¹. (There (or their) pie (or pi) are squared!)


Actual slope is the tangent of angle written tan and so called since it is the length of a line tangent to or ÒtouchingÓ a unit circle from angle to x-axis. (See Fig. 1.4b.) Another triangular ratio is the sine or sin that stands (IÕm guessing) for Òslope over incline.Ó The tangent in Fig. 1.4 is an a:b ratio (), but the sine is an a:r ratio () that civil engineers use to ÒgradeÓ roads.

             percent-grade=100á(altitude y gained)/(distance r traveled) =100 sin

High grades are good in school but bad for roads. An interstate highway would ÒflunkÓ anywhere its grade was above 5%. This changed in 2001 with the Bush administrationÕs ÒNo Road Left BehindÓ policy.

Each triangle ratio switches places with its codependent ratio if you switch x-and-y-axes (or altitude-and-base) or switch Fig. 1.2a Minkowski plots to Fig. 1.2b Newton plots. For example, a cotangent ratio is codependent to tan , and cosine ratio  is codependent to sin .

In comparing (a) vs. (b) in Fig. 1.2 we saw that a slope (like 6/1) in (a) is inverse slope (1/6) in (b). (That was for the 10mph VW.) In other words, any slope in (a) becomes  in (b). Also any slope angle in (a) becomes a compliment to angle in (b). (See Fig. 1.4a.)

From the two preceding paragraphs we deduce that any ratio like sin or tan for angle must equal its co-ratio for the compliment c=ð/2−—, and vice versa.


Two other ratios use secant (or Òsword-likeÓ) lines that pierce the circle in Fig. 1.4b. The horizontal line is a secant ratio  and its co-ratio is a cosecant ratio .

Fig. 1.4 (a) Right triangle geometry for =1 slope (b) Triangle ratios for =1 and (c) —=ð/2.

                        Right-handed Cartesian coordinates


Change and delta variables


Slope and delta ratios


            Fig. 1.4b has eight different but similar triangles with the same angles (,ð/2,c) as the triangle in Fig. 1.4a. Can you spot them? Whether big or small, similar triangles share ratios (sine, cosine, or tangent) if (and only if) they share angles. To do geometry problems we look for ÒhiddenÓ similar triangles and hidden right triangles that form similar rectangles. Right triangles have relation a2+b2=r2 of Pythagoras (~570 BC).

            One secret is to visualize sequences of scale change or rotation transformation as in Fig. 1.5 where each rectangle is rotated by 90¡ and shrunk by a factor cot=64.2%. Rectangle diagonals in Fig. 1.5a (and sides in Fig. 1.5b) give a power sequencetan1,tan0—=1,(tan—)-1=cot1,(tan—)-2=cot2,(tan—)-3=cot3).

            A power sequence is also called a geometric sequence since it is suggested by geometry. A rectangle sequence in Fig. 1.5a is lined up with the XY coordinates of the page, that is, each side has zero or infinite slope but the first diagonal (tan) has a negative slope angle of -c = –1-radian or –57.3¡. The sequence in Fig. 1.5b begins with a rectangle side (tan) at angle –57.3¡. Each sequential rotation in either figure is 90¡ clockwise around the original tangent point with rectangle size shrunk by factor cot=64.21% each time.



Fig. 1.5 Geometric cot=0.6241 sequences of whirling rectangle segments based on slope angle =1.


Exercises for study of slope and trigonometry

1. Construct whirling square diagrams for 60¡ slope angle —=ð/3 without using protractor. First compare the precision of graph-derived values of sin—,  cos—, tan , etc. with algebraic and/or calculator-derived numbers.

Solution Hints:

Only certain angles have exact Euclid rule&compass construction and =60¡ is one of them. (But,  =1 isnÕt!) If you could ÒstraightenÓ the (l=1)-arc of a (=1)-sector (Fig. 1.3a) to one (r=1)-side of an equilateral triangle, its slope angle would grow from =1=57.3¡ to =¹/3=60¡ as shown in Fig. 1.6b.

To construct a 60¡ slope ala Euclid, draw a radius-(r=1) circle by compass and use the same radius-r setting to strike an arc from X point-(x=1,y=0) to locate R as in Fig. 1.6b. So now, theoretically, arc-RX is l=¹/3=1.0472Élong approximately but line-RX has length-(r=1) exactly. At 2-figure precision both have length 1.0, but at 3-figure precision, arc-RX length is 1.05, 5% greater than line-RX length 1.00.

Whether a math or physics theory is ÒcorrectÓ or not depends on our level of precision. As we will see, it is pretty tough to get order-3 absolute precision (1 part in 1,000) with ruler and compass construction but order-2 is pretty easy. By taping fishing line onto arc-RX, we can see that it is about 5% shorter than a unit line, but measuring 4.7% is challenging and 4.72% requires tools most donÕt have.

We easily get level-9 precision by poking sin(¹/3) into a calculator (or sin60¡ if set for degrees)  to get sin(¹/3)=0.866025403É. but only can estimate 0.86 or 0.87 in Fig. 1.6b graph as indicated by ??? marks.

To construct the tangent declination by compliment angle c= ¹/2-¹/3= ¹/6 (or 90¡-60¡=30¡) we strike a unit arc off the –Y point to intersection point Q on the 4th quadrant-YQX of unit circle in Fig. 1.6c. The line OQ thru point Q is perpendicular or normal to original slope line OR since c+ is ¹/2(90¡) for any .

This line OQ drawn thru point R is the tangent decline we need for this problem. Just redo arc inter-sector -YQO to make sector NPR centered at R instead of O. Then draw tangent line PR so it extends down to secant point S on the X axis and up along the cotangent line to the cosecant point on the Y axis.

Fig. 1.6 Details of a geometric construction of Fig. 1.5 for slope angle —=ð/3 (60¡)


            Segments OS and YR provide numerical estimates of calculated values sec(¹/3)=2.000 and csc(¹/3) =1.155 along X and Y axes, respectively, in Fig. 1.6d. The value sec(¹/3)=2 like its inverse cos(¹/3)=1/2 is exactly rational, a nice feature of a (30¡,60¡,90¡)-triangle with side ratios (b:a:r)=(1:Ã3:2) (It is a right triangle, so: a2+b2=r2.) The Ò30-60Ó is a famous right triangle students must learn. Others are Ò3-4-5Ó ((a:b:r)=(3:4:5)) and the Ò45Ó ( (45¡,45¡,90¡)or(a:b:r)=(1:1:Ã2)). A ÒGoldenÓ ratio  triangle is very cool (and rich).

Arc functions

So far we give an angle or unit-circle arc and construct or calculate trigonometric functions of including a=sin, b=cos, t=tan, 1/a=csc or their co-functions. Now consider the reverse or inverse case: we are given a, or b, or t etc. and must come up with an arc (or arcs 1, —2...) that gives a, etc. To do this we find arc-functions arc-sine, arc-cosineÉ or inverse trig functions sin-1, cos-1Éas follows.

            =arcsin(a)=sin-1(a), =arccos(b)=cos-1(b), =arctan(t)=tan-1(t)

The exponential (-1)-notation seems to confuse sin-1(a) with (sin(a))-1=1/(sin(a)) that we do not want here. (However, it is conventional to write (sin(a))n=sinn(a) or any power but (-1).)

            Algebra of arc-functions is trickier than algebra of functions themselves. Geometric constructions of sin-1, cos-1Éetc. are not so tricky but quite simple and revealing. To find sin-1(0.5), for example, we draw a horizontal line at y=0.5 and see where it intersects the unit circle. (Fig. 7a) Nothing to that! Except, we see there are two angles 1=¹/3 and 2=2¹/3 that give sin1=0.5=sin2. The same applies to cos-1(0.5) except now the angles are ±¹/3. (Fig. 1.7b) Note the antipodal (±180¡) angles that equal tan-1(0.5). (Fig. 1.7c)


Fig. 1.7 Geometric construction of arc-trig functions of 0.5=. (a) sin-1()  (b) cos-1()  (c) tan-1()


2. Find arc-secant (say, sec-13.0) by geometry. Try it first without looking at the answer.

Solution Hints:

We need to find the tangent that goes from 3.0 to touch the circle. A circle of radius r=3.0 concentric to the unit circle has rectangle tangents of that size that we copy from x=3.0 to touch unit circle.

Fig. 1.8 Geometric construction of arc tangent, arc secant, and geometric-mean square-root.


Or else we simply draw rectangle diagonal thru unit circle. This involves ThalesÕs Geometric Mean (GM) construction in Fig. 1.9a of a product square root Ã(aáb). In Fig. 1.8 it is Ã8=2.82É the desired tangent. The special case of the Golden Mean is shown in Fig. 1.9b. The whirling rectangle in Fig. 1.5 is a whirling square in Fig. 1.10 if the rectangle tangent and cotangent are Golden Means 1.618.. and 0.618.., respectively.


Fig. 1.9 Thales construction of geometric-mean, square-root, and Golden Mean.

Fig. 1.10 (a) Golden Rectangle, (b) Golden slope geometry, and (c) Whirling Square like Fig. 1.5.
Know your calculator and ATAN, too! (atan2(y,x))

Trig function plotting exercises (And, how we trisect angles)

3. Use ruler&compass to plot y=cos(x) and y= cos-1(x)=arccos(x). Do y=sin(x) and y=sin-1(x). Begin by constructing a 12-pt ÒclockÓ circle. Repeat using 45¡ diagonals to make a 24-hr clock and project the 24 points horizontally for y=cos(x) and vertically y=cos-1(x)=arccos(x). Shift plot by 3 hours (90¡) for sine and arc-sine functions. Each ÒhourÓ is angle 15¡ or ¹/6. Sine curves allow ÒforbiddenÓ constructions such as cycloids and angle-n-sections. In quantum physics sinusoidal waves are really important curves!


Exercise 1.1.4

Construct both Golden angles associated with the Golden Ratios G+ and G-  and measure their slopes in degrees on protractor graph paper below. (Also available online.) Can you find a simpler (Pythagorean) construction of Ã5 ?


Exercise 1.1.5

 Construct whirling rectangle diagram like Fig. Fig. 1.5 but for Golden slope angle to give whirling square sketched in Fig. 1.10. Use protractor graph from Ex. 1.1.3 to measure angles of slopes obtained this way.