ΔT =

Model Type
Atom: Count =
, Radius =
Initial Mode =
k0 {Mount Springs} =
Mount Spring angle =
k1 {Nearest Neighbors}=
k2 {Next-nearest Neighbors}=
k3 {Next-tothenext-nearest Neighbors}
Bond and Trajectory Width =
Vertices Count =
Skip Interval =
FG Red Level =
FG Green Level =
FG Blue Level =
FG Alpha Level =
Atom Red Level =
Atom Green Level =
Atom Blue Level =
Atom Alpha Level =
Bond Red Level =
Bond Green Level =
Bond Blue Level =
Bond Alpha Level =

For developer use - will be removed in prod version
NumericJS Parameters
Iteration max =
Precision =

Web Worker Parameters
Threshhold on nDim for using Web Workers =

Animated Gif Capture Parameters
Gif Frame Count =
MolVibes-To-Dos Page Wolfram-Mathworld on Character Table
MolVibes Table Prototype Call Color U(2)
By-pass Tridiagonalizer if Cnv
Chapter 1 - 2D C2v Diatomic Molecules (n = 2)
           Demonstrations ...

Chapter 2 - 2D Cnv Ring Molecules (n=3,...)
           Demonstrations ...

Chapter 3 - 3D Td Tetrahedral Molecules
           Demonstrations ...
Tetrahedral Molecule N=4

Chapter 4 - 3D Oh Octahedral Molecules
           Demonstrations ...

Chapter 5 - 3D Yh Icosahedral Molecules
           Demonstrations ...

Icosahedral N=30 Molecule

Chapter 6 - Tetrahedral: Th, Td & T Group and Subgroup
Character & Correlation Tables
T (Pure Rotations) Character Table
Td (w/Reflection) Character Table
Th w/Inversion Character Table
D2 (Pure Rotations) Character Table
Td ↓ C3v Correlations
T ↓ C3 Correlations
T ↓ D2 Correlations
Chapter 7 - Octahedral: Oh Group and Subgroup
Character & Correlation Tables
Oh Characters
C4v Characters
C3v Characters
C2v Characters
Cv Characters
C4 Characters
C3 Characters
C2 Characters
Oh ↓ C4v Correlations
Oh ↓ C3v Correlations
Oh ↓ C3v Correlations
Oh ↓ C2v Correlations Oh ↓ C2v' (Nested) Correlations
Oh ↓ Cv Correlations
Chapter 8 - Icosahedral: Yh Group and Subgroup
Character & Correlation Tables
Yh Characters
C5v Characters
C3v Characters
C2v Characters
Cv Characters
C5 Characters
C4 Characters
C3 Characters
C2 Characters
Yh ↓ C5v Correlations
Yh ↓ C3v Correlations
Yh ↓ C2v Correlations
Yh ↓ Cv Correlations
Yh ↓ C5 Correlations
MolVibes-To-Dos Page test
\[\begin{array}{ccccccc} a & a & a & a & a & a & a \\ a & a & a & a & a & a & a \\ a & a & a & a & a & a & a \\ a & a & a & a & a & a & a \\ a & a & a & a & a & a & a \\ a & a & a & a & a & a & a \\ a & a & a & a & a & a & a \\ \end{array}\]
Molecular GL Views
Center-Origin : Width Ratio
Center-Eye Angle

Phasor GL Views

Codex Views
Center-Origin : Width Ratio
Center-Eye Angle

Phasor Views

Molecular Parameters
k0 {Mount Springs} =
k1 {Nearest Neighbors}=
k2 {Next-nearest Neighbors}=
k3 {Next-tothenext-nearest Neighbors}
Mount Spring angle =